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Diego Quintanilla -
 February 2, 2023

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La batalla que estamos librando contra la pandemia de Covid-19 ha puesto a todo el mundo de cabeza. Este periodo de nuestras vidas ha transcurrido más despacio de lo que nos pudimos imaginar. En Guatemala, el impacto económico, familiar, físico y emocional nos tiene ansiosos, estresados y abrumados. Hemos quedado infundidos del temor de un […]
Dr. Edgar Castillo -
 November 26, 2018

Medication-free Interventions for Depression

Medication-free Interventions for Depression These treatments have been proven to be effective for mood disorders and are backed by scientific research: 1. Exercise The last thing a depressed person wants to do is exercise but it is well known that regular physical activity elevates the mood and provides a sense of well being. This is […]
Dr. Edgar Castillo -
 November 22, 2018

Glutamate Levels May Predict Outcomes of Patients at Risk of Psychosis

Changes in hippocampal function are believed to play a role in the onset of psychosis. A study published today in JAMA Psychiatry suggests that the concentration of the neurotransmitter glutamate and several other metabolites in the hippocampus may offer clues about patients who are most likely to transition to psychosis. The findings suggest that measuring […]
Dr. Edgar Castillo -
 November 5, 2018

The Biology of Mental health

It has been established with certainty that regular exercise (aerobic or anaerobic) is beneficial to one’s overall health. This is especially true if combined with a regimen that includes a balanced diet with plenty of fruit ,nuts and vegetables. Lately, there has been a series of studies linking physical exercise to improvement of mood and […]
Dr. Edgar Castillo -
 October 29, 2018

In despair from major depression, I turned to a last resort: Magnets

For most of my 46 years, I have battled mild to severe depression and anxiety. Mood disorders run like a sticky red tape through my family, so it wasn’t a surprise that I needed a psychiatrist’s care starting as a young child. He helped me push on through middle and high school. But when I […]
Dr. Edgar Castillo -
 October 29, 2018

Postural exercises improve depression

At the American Psychiatric Association meeting in May,2018 Dr. Martin Furman from the University of Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina, presented a randomized study showing marked improvements in depressive symptoms after a series of postural exercises.Two set of exercises, one minute each were repeated 4 times a day every day for 12 weeks. One type was […]
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